From offices in Boise, Post Falls, Twin Falls, and Pocatello, TechHelp Specialists help Idaho manufacturers, food processors and entrepreneurs improve their competitiveness through continuous product and process innovation.

Advanced Food Safety Programs Food Manufacturing FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food

ONLINE FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food Course with Dr. Janna Hamlett

The FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act – Preventive Controls for Human Food requires processing facilities to have at least one Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) on staff to oversee the food safety plan and system.

Our upcoming online FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food Course is one way to gain that credential. This FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food course is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by the FDA. This course covers regulation Title 21 CFR 117 – Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food.

Food Manufacturing Product & Process Development

Dr. Janna Hamlett Article in Food Safety Magazine on The Value of Mistake Proofing

People make mistakes—more often than we might like to think. Studies have shown that no matter how well-trained a worker is, or how well-maintained the equipment is, errors still occur. Tasks are forgotten, and equipment breaks. Standard work and “one right way” can help reduce errors.

Mistake proofing, also known by its Japanese equivalent, “poka-yoke,” is a method used to reduce or eliminate errors, or to make those errors immediately obvious. Ensuring that non-conforming product is never created—or at least never arrives at customers’ doorsteps—is invaluable in the food industry. Reduced downgrade, less rework, and decreased out-of-specification product are all benefits of mistake proofing.

Operational Excellence Operational Excellence Staff Staff

TechHelp Welcomes Luke Fuess as Client Manager for North & North Central Idaho

TechHelp was thrilled to add Luke Fuess as a Client Manager in March of 2023. Luke will rely on his extensive manufacturing management and operations background to help Idaho manufacturers improve operations, quality, and profitability. Luke is based at the University of Idaho Coeur d’Alene and will focus on North and North Central Idaho companies from the Canadian border south into Grangeivlle. Luke’s work experience covers Aerospace, Weapons Manufacturing, Renewable Energy, and other technical trades. 

CMMC Cybersecurity Doing Business with the Government (PTAC) Manufacturing in General

Help is Available to Complete Your CMMC Cybersecurity Assessment

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program is aligned with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) information security requirements for Defense Industrial Base (DIB) partners. If your organization doesn’t meet minimum CMMC-level requirements, you may be unable to bid on certain grants and contracts.

TechHelp in partnership with the Institute for Pervasive Cybersecurity (IPC) at Boise State is looking for a few companies to complete a CMMC level 1 or level 2 assessment over the next 6 months. A CMMC assessment starts your company on the path to certification in cyber security which could put you on the path to seeking grant funding for further certification. It raises awareness of critical steps to implement foundational cybersecurity protection needs.

Environmental Monitoring Food Manufacturing

Dr. Janna Hamlett on Determining Sanitation Effectiveness with a Robust Environmental Monitoring Program

A sanitation program is a key component of any food processor’s or food handler’s food safety plan. A well-written and well-executed sanitation program can mitigate, or reduce to an acceptable level, all three classifications of hazards (microbiological, chemical, and physical) in a hazard analysis. Sanitation is one of the four preventive controls (process controls, allergen, sanitation, and others) in the Preventive Controls for Human Food rule of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Sanitation has long been a major prerequisite program for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). Consequently, it is imperative that the sanitation program be functioning and performing according to expectations.

Food Manufacturing Lean Six Sigma Lean Transformation Manufacturing in General Product & Process Cost Savings Product & Process Development

Janna Hamlett Explores “TIM WOODS” Waste Factors in FoodSafety Magazine Article

If you look around, you may find many examples of ‘TIM WOODS’ in a food processing facility. TIM WOODS is an acronym for the ‘eight wastes’ that can plague a processing facility. In lean manufacturing, waste is any cost, effort, or material that is used in a processing facility that does not directly lead to a completed unit.